Restoring a Surrey Classic
In Spring 2018 John Nicholson and Mike Edwards were appointed to formulate detailed woodland and heathland management plans for the course. Works commenced in September 2018, expertly undertaken in-house by Course Manager, Rupert Lawrence and the experienced Greenkeeping Team.
Regular updates have been added below (most recent first). Please check back soon for the latest news and updates. Further information is available by contacting the General Manager, Ben Beagley.
Summer 2023
We are excited to share professional photography from Summer 2023, showcasing the many improvements evident on the course.
Further works scheduled for Winter 23-24 to be communicated here soon.
March 2023 Progress Update
In addition to the works listed in the Autumn update below, further works have also taken place in the woodland area behind the 16th tee, clearing large areas of previously unmanaged woodland, including scrub, dead trees and ivy.
Two dead birch trees to the left of the 6th carry will also be removed.
If time permits, some further thinning will take place on the right of the 14th fairway dogleg.
Below, on the left of the 10th fairway, removal of the oddly shaped chestnut will allow the large nearby birch the space required to flourish. The future succession of this area also includes a nearby Oak.
In the coming days, the height of the carry area gorse, shown below, will be lowered to improve visibility of the fairway.
Winter 2023 Progress update
Frosty spells during December 2022 and January 2023 have provided ideal times to progress works as per the winter works programme.
Herewith a few photos showing progress.
Below, scrub clearance between 15th, 16th and 17th holes.
Below, pine thinning between 8th and 9th holes.
Below, thinning the copse to the side of the 12th tee. Work in progress.
Autumn 2022 Update
An extensive programme of winter works has been planned and approved for commencement.
Continue woodland management plan as per John Nicholson report. Including but not limited to;
- Raising of tree canopies wherever possible to enable mowing beneath and improved aesthetics.
- Ongoing removal of ivy from trees.
- Further thinning of pine plantations around the course.
- Removal of any dead, dying or dangerous trees.
- Removal of any broken/fallen tree limbs.
- Spruce & Larch removals on 3rd to make way for the alternate tee location. Plant pine replacements in better locations.
- Continued felling on the right of 5th hole to expose best specimen trees and expose interesting topography. *see photo from 1946
- Scrub removal left of 8th green.
- Further thinning of poorest specimens on r/h side of 10th hole, improving light to heather regeneration areas and to aid the reduction of leaf litter.
- Lower the height of the gorse in the 10th carry to waist height.
- Continue thinning between 10th and 11th to allow sufficient space for specimen trees to flourish, safeguarding views from the 9th green and reducing undesirable leaf litter.
- Thinning to the right of the 12th tee in favour of better trees and to improve the views beyond.
- Remove hedge alongside 14th tee, landscape, and seed. (Retain rear section for separation with 13th).
- Remove scrub behind 14th green. Contour to enable regular mowing.
- Ongoing work to develop former scrub areas into becoming finer grassland/heath. i.e. r/h side of 18th.
- Further thinning on the right-hand corner of the 14th fairway and rear of 15th green to improve light and expose best trees. To the right of the 14th dog-leg, partly fill/contour the broken ground, to improve H&S, expose interesting undulations and bring under mechanical maintenance.
- Partial reduction of incongruous/’contrived’ internal hedging between 16th green and 17th tee.
- Woodland management between 16th and 17th fairway. Scrub clearance to expose best trees.
- Scrub removal in ditch behind the 18th green.
- Plant Queens commemorative / ‘Jubilee’ tree to the side of 18th.
- Plant replacement pines left of 7th tee / carry area.
- All stumps to be removed at end of works.
5th green historical photo below – NB the interesting undulations of the hill – currently obscured by years of encroachment.
Spring 2022 Update
Pleasing to show the results following many years of hard work, with a few photos...
The 'after' photo of the 13th hole. Following this winter's bunker and tree thinning works.
The 7th hole - image taken last year.
Over the 8th tee and 9th green - towards the Hogs Back
January 2022 Update
Recent frosty weather has provided ideal opportunities for the team to progress our woodland management and heathland restoration ambitions.
Works have included;
Continued selective felling along the right of the 10th hole, to improve light to the playing surfaces and create ideal space for the expansion of heather areas. All areas remain 'in play'.
Significant scrub clearance along the right of the 18th hole, to reclaim lost ground and work towards bringing these areas back under regular mechanical maintenance, including flail mowing after stump removal and eventually mowable grasses.
Below... Larch removals on the right side of the 14th hole, which were identified as 'non-native' and 'completely out of charactor with the surrounding landscape'.
These removals also expose a better view of many trees and provide possibility for our architect to produce various improvements to the 14th hole, which are intended to take place next winter, subject to member consultation via the usual channels. Also, NB. the visual improvements to the horizon from the 1st tee.
Futher work has also taken place behind the 15th green to expose some feature trees in this area and to allow greater light and air to this area for improved agronomy.
December 2021 Progress
13th hole before, during, and after...
Winter 2021-22 Upcoming works include...
November progress...
Below... how a single birch removal can transform a landscape. Beautiful views over the 13th green towards Binton Wood. In landscaping, this is known as The Art of Shakkei or 'Borrowed Scenery'.
October/November 2021 Update
The schedule of intended upcoming winter works is as follows:
- Continuation of woodland management plan as per Jon Nicholson report.
- Further thinning of pine plantations around the course.
- Removal of any dead, dying or dangerous trees.
- Removal of any broken/fallen tree limbs.
- Various Spruce/Larch removals on 4th, 11th and 14th.
- Birch removals on 13th as per Nicholson report and Ridgway designs.
- Further thinning of poorest specimens on r/h side of 10th hole, improving light to heather regeneration areas and reduction of leaf litter.
- Continued thinning on the right of 5th hole to expose best specimen trees.
- Continue thinning between 10th and 11th to allow space for several specimen trees to flourish.
- Tiding up of left side of 16th fairway, including further scrub clearance and thinning work in copse.
- Ongoing work to develop former scrub areas into becoming finer grassland/heath. I.e. around oak between 14th green and 15th tee, beyond pond on r/h side of 15th etc.
- Further thinning on the right hand corner of the 14th fairway and tree/scrub removal at rear of 15th green to improve light and expose best trees.
- Start scrub clearance on 18th starting from the tee and working along the hole.
- All stumps to be removed at end of works.
- Ongoing management of gorse in house and with contractor including 6th carry and area between 9th green and 10th hole.
- Spraying of smaller areas of grassland invasion with herbicide (laser).
- Annual mowing of heather providing ‘brashings’ (seed-head cuttings) for heather development areas.
- Investigate/trial of ‘blaster’ chemical on gorse seedlings.
- Use graminicide to control coarse grasses in environmental grassland areas.
- Combination of additional scraping and scarifying of various areas of rough.
- Scraped areas will be covered with heather brash and a thin application of fine fescue seed. The fescue grasses will develop in time for spring time and the heather will develop over time to develop a mottled blend of thin rough and heathery patches. (Intended to be similar to the trial patch to the left of the 18th fairway at the brow of the hill).
September 2021 Update
Recent/Upcoming works include:
- Leaning Birch & Large Poplar removal on the right hand side of the 4th (to take place in advance of the start of October bunker works). (See 4th hole designs in foyer) Or view the 2021 course presentation document here.
- Preparation of Winter Works Programme.
- Cut and collect of ecological rough - From Monday 6th September.
August 2021 Update
Recent photos showing some progress.
Above... a previous trial scrape area to the left of our 18 hole. Showing a fine blend of heather (regenerated from heather brashings scattered), fine fescues and catsear (great for pollinators).
Above... a close up of 18th trial scrape area. No lost balls here. Plenty of pollinators.
Heather √ Fescue √ Bare soil √ Pollinator friendly √ Solitary mining bees √
Above... heather naturally regenerating left of 12th, following tree thinning in previous years. Extra sunlight √
March 2021 Update
Recent/Upcoming works include:
- Completion of the turf pathway on 17th tee √
- Clearance of scrub to the right of the 12th tee √
- Clearing of debris from recent windy conditions √
- Successful course information webinar with 200+ members in attendance √
- Removal/reduction of various low hanging branches to raise the canopy of numerous trees √
February 2021 Update
Recent/Upcoming works include:
- Further thinning of the copse on the right hand side of the 4th hole dogleg, allowing additonal light to the green and approach.
- Pine removal in the 8th carry.
- Scrub removal on the right hand side of the 17th tees and the creation of a turf walkway. (H&S benefits as provides a place to stand further away from 16th hole)
- Further gorse removal during the last week of February.
- Scrub clearance along boundary line on r/h side of 11th fairway, opening views accross the countryside.
- Clearance of encroaching scrub on right hand side of 16th fairway along to behind the 17th tee.
- Clearance of scrub on the left hand side of the 16th fairway (left of the 15th tee).
- Photos and drone videos to follow...
January 2021 Update
Some recent frosty mornings have provided ideal opportunities to progress our winter works programme and woodland management.
- Thinning of the plantation between the 10th and 11th holes. Exposing some specimens and safeguarding the view of the Hogs Back and beyond.
- Removal of the lone birch on the right of the 10th fairway, in conjunction with the widening of the fairway bunker, into the fairway. This has created a perfect canvas for a new heather swathe to flank the righthand side of the fairway. Further into the trees, the ideal spot for a bluebell woodland.
- Various pine plantation thinning around the course. i.e. right hand side of 14th.
- Scrub removal along right hand side of the 5th to expose the undulating topography and improve light and air to the fairway.
Below: On the 12th hole, in the distance, the greenside bunkers are landscaped and ready for turfing.
Below: A stunning specimen Copper Beech between the 5th and 12th holes. Previously screened from view.
Below: The 5th hole. Still work in progress, but great results already acheived in thinning poor specimens and scrub on both left and right sides.
November 2020 Update
2020-21 Winter works
Continue woodland management plan as per Jon Nicholson report. List not exhastive, subject to variable circumstances (weather/other project works). Specific areas to include;
- Further, and possibly final, thinning of pine plantations around the course.
- One Larch removal at 4th green area to show idea of future works there.
- Scrub and heliotropic tree removal at start of 5th fairway on rhs side to aid light to that area to improve fairway and lost ball count.
- Further Scots Pine removal at 8th carry.
- New plantation thinning between 10th and 11th to leave several specimen trees.
- Further scrub removal LHS of 15th tee to improve light to area.
- Ongoing work to develop former scrub areas towards end result of finer/wispy grasses. I.e. around oak between 14th green and 15th tee, beyond pond on r/h side of 15th .
- Hedge reduction and scrub removal at 16th green/17th tee area, work to continue to beginning of 17th fairway to aid grass path construction. This will provide light, air and lessen environment for leather jacket reproduction.
- Tree removal and scrub at rear of 15th green to improve light
- All stumps to be removed at end of works.
- Hedge reduction on rhs of fairway on 11th hole to improve light and air movement. Creation of improved vista to Hog`s back too.
- Removal of gorse in house and with contractor including various missed areas, 17th hole r/h side etc. (Unfortunately those at the rear of the 9th green are still too small to be pulled mechanically).
- Complete diagonal reshaping of the 7 th hole heather carry, to create a natural wavy curve. Prepare affected area and lay fescue turf to complete the job.
- Likely to pause further heathland scraping works for this season.
- Annual mowing of heather and, if needed, scattering of brashings to heather development areas.
- Spraying of smaller areas of grassland invasion with herbicide (laser).
September 2020 Update
Recent/Upcoming works include:
Ecologocial rough management (annual cut and collect of all long rough) - this work creates a net loss of nutrients, helping to create conditions for thin, wispy rough with diverse ecological wild flowers.
More to follow soon, pending sign off of the upcoming winter works programme.
March 2020 Update
- Woodland management work focused mainly on tree stump grinding to wrap up the winter works programme as focus would shift towards Spring turf management.
February 2020 Update
- Misc thinning to right hand side of 10th fairway, increasing air and light to areas of heather regeneration. These works were scheduled fairly last minute, and enabled the Greenstaff to stay productive, far away from the playing surfaces during the worst of the heavy rain.
January 2020 Update
- Further clearance of scrub to the left of the 3rd hole
- Start to fell Spruce trees to expose Oaks and make way for new 'original' tee at brow of hill, as per diagram below...
Extracted from the Woodland Management plan...
"The spruce to the left of the hole look out of place in the landscape and will never form attractive trees. Spruce are commercial conifers that never grow well outside the forest environment. They reduce airflow and shade the green, predisposing it to disease and stressing the grass sward. The spruce and gorse should be removed.The scrub and regeneration of oak to the left of the hole threatens the sustainability of open grassland and should be removed and the stumps ground out to allow a cut and collect management regime to be implemented."
December 2019 / January 2020 Update
Recent/Upcoming works include:
- Misc tree thinning on left side of 3rd hole to expose the best specimen Oaks in this area
- Completion of scraping of areas to remove scrub / gorse seeds and roots
- Small bund on 8th walkway to prevent traffic through the heather carry / GUR areas
- All heather mown, cuttings collected
- Heather cuttings distributed over scraped areas for further regeneration
Upcoming... contractor removal of gorse on right side of 17th hole (likely during February)
November 2019 Update
Recent/Upcoming works include:
- Contractor scraping of areas for heather regeneration
- Areas include either side of the pathway leading to the 7th tee, in the 8th carry area & the righthand side of 10th hole
Below Leylandii removal during and after...
Below... gorse seed bank removed and area ready for heather brash.
Below... acidic soil transfered from 'borrow pit' behind 10th white tee. Intended to create a lower pH required for heather growth.
Previous soil may have been contaminated by pathway materials raising the pH and adversely affected by trampling.
Low level 'bund' intended to direct footfall along the pathway away from the heather regeneration areas.
October/November Update
Recent/Upcoming works include:
- Removal of the Lleylandii / Cypress tree behind the 15th white tee
- Heather Management - cut and collect of heather tips (brashings to use in scraped areas)
- Schedule dates for further contractor gorse removal (right side of 17th hole etc). Likely to take place in winter time
- Clearance of scrub and thinning of trees to the left of the 3rd and 4th holes
September/October Update
Recent/Upcoming works include:
- Pine plantation thinning in various areas
- Removals to expose the Copper Beech on 12th hole
- Larch removal in 11th hole right hand semi rough
- Removals of various scrub/poorly formed trees on right hand side of 11th green
- Stump grinding in numerous areas of the course
- A start made to remove the conifer behind the 15th tee
- Scraping of scrub right of the 11th green to prepare a possible heather bank
- Flailing scrub and long rough behind 18th tee, around 15th/16th tees, behind 8th tee, 11th tee etc.
- Cut and collect programme to ecological grassland areas (year after year this will promote thinner and wispier rough grasses.
August 2019
Recent works - 7th Hole Pine Thinning
Before, below...
After, below...
Note the improved fairway visibility.
Photos from recent months (Courtesy of Ray Heath) 17th Hole... before, after and after V2.
August 2019
More heather growing from seed in areas scraped last year with with scattered in November 2018.
Trial scrape between 1st and 18th fairways now contains dozens of tiny heather plants...
July 2019
First signs of heather regeneration in on of the first areas scraped in September 2018, with brash scattered in November 2018.
Between 8th tee and 9th green...
Below... many areas have benefitted from the much lower height of cut when the heather was mown in November 2018.
Excellent levels of desirable regrowth from the bases of the plants evident.
July 2019
Bell or 'Erica' heather starting to create a display on the 11th green mounds.
In the forefront... the Ling / 'Calluna vulgaris' will bloom slightly later than the Bell heather each year.
June 2019
Spotted Orchid in the Heath - a rare beauty near the halfway hut.
June 2019
Some before and after images... courtesy of Ray Heath and Malc Billings.
June 2019
Heather Regeneration / Heathland Management
We currently have three forms of heather regeneration underway.
1, areas scraped without brashings
In these areas we have removed gorse and other forms of scrub. These areas require spraying to kill off undesirable regrowth of weeds to create a clean, inert environment. Once this is achieved, brashings (heather tips) cut in November 2019 will be scattered to introduce heather seed into the soil profile.
2, scraped areas with brashings (Current GUR areas/with blue lines)
There are a number of areas where the above process took place last November and we await the first signs of seed starting to germinate. This is most likely to occur in Spring or Autumn. Patience is key as heather seed germination seems a bit of a black art!
In the areas where last year’s brashings were scattered, the seeds will have now dropped into the soil so we can start to collect and remove the excess woody stems. This will allow improved sunlight to the seed and soil and better chances of germination. This process can take several years, even in ideal conditions.
Two trial scrapes also took place on the Clubhouse side of Binton Lane. One to the right hand side of the 15th green and another at the top of the hill between the 1st and 18th fairways. These locations were chosen as they appeared to have a number of acid loving indicator plants present, showing soil conditions likely to support the successful growth of heather. This spring we saw a bumper crop of the very pretty ‘Sheeps sorrel’ which is the red plant seen in the rough areas across various areas of the course. Sheeps sorrel is a common native found on heaths, grassland, and in the areas with dry, sandy, well-drained acid soils. Theoretically, anywhere you see this growing, it should be possible to grow heather.
3, closely mown heather
Last Autumn, following the advice from Mike Edwards we took a more aggressive approach to the mowing of the existing heather areas. The reason for this lower height of cut was to reduce the long leggy woody stems and encourage regrowth of fresh shoots from the base of the plant.
We are delighted to see this now taking place around the course. Having said that, the scorching summer of 2018 did have a bit of an adverse effect in various sun baked areas. Overall, we are pleased to be moving strongly in the right direction with heather management, both in terms of better maintaining the existing areas, and also working towards developing new areas.
Having now removed the bulk of the long, woody stems with last years close cut mowing, going forward the heather will only require the tips to be removed each year. These tips will provide much improved brash for the the following seasons scraped areas.
Ecological rough and acid grassland
We are lucky to have some excellent areas of well managed rough which are both environmentally friendly as well as getting better year after year from the players perspective. The ongoing cut and collect programme involves an annual mow of these areas ensuring to collect and remove all of the cuttings. This process creates a net loss of nutrients and year after year, we see finer, wispier rough, which is both great for the player and also for the diversity of wildlife. Now is a wonderful time to enjoy and appreciate the great work being achieved, although still best to avoid landing in these areas!
Below... dry, acidic and low nutrient loving Sheep's sorrel thriving on both sides of Binton Lane.
Upcoming / when time allows...
Removal of the leaning sycamore on the right hand side of the 17th fairway, will expose the stunning copper beech which is currently hidden from view. Should create a stunning backdrop to the 1st green. Below... Photograph by Malc Billings. ('After' photo to follow, when completed).
May 2019
- If Greenkeeper time permits, some ad hoc tree work may be possible. Likely areas include, pine plantation thinning, selective thinning between the 10th and 11th holes to expose the best specimen trees.
- The leaning birch on the left side in front of the 13th will also be removed to widen the usage teeing space on the 13th tee area.
- We await further hole design drawings which will be displayed in the foyer when received.
- Following the heather mow at the end of November, it's encouraging to see the desirable regrowth of fresh green heather shoots.
- On the areas where brashings were scattered, some of the brash can now be removed as the seed will have now dropped into the soil. By removing the excess brash some added sunlight will reach the soil and is hoped to encourage germination.
- We thank the members and guests for the wonderful feedback about the course. Very encouraging.
12th Hole Plans for Autumn 2019
Improvements include; more strategic bunker positioning, expose specimen trees, improved agronomy, restore original design of the hole (rewards approach from the right side of the fairway)
15th Hole Plans for Autumn 2019
21st March 2019
Upcoming / recent works include:
- Further scrub clearance around the 10th tee.
- Ground works to level the areas affected by gorse removal, reducing root holes and rutting (more to follow in time).
- Pine thinning in the plantation to the left of the 8th fairway to restore the view of the green from 'Locke's Ledge'.
- When time allows... further pine plantation thinning in 'Colborne's Copse' (right side of 8th fairway).
- Misc thinning between 10th and 11th fairways to expose the best specimen trees and protect views of the Hogs Back.
Remarkable... shown below, several young heather plants are naturally regenerating to the left of the 5th carry, not far from the copper beech where the previous tree thinning took place. They just needed a little more sunlight.
Interested to hear from any long term members who remember seeing heather here ever before?
8th March 2019
Delighted with a short and sweet recent course review.
March 2019
Further gorse clearance taking place Wednesday 6th to Friday 8th March inclusive.
Areas likely to include: 8th hole carry, left of 9th green, front of 10th white tee, behind 14th green, right side of 17th hole, left of 18th fairway. Please check with the Pro-Shop for latest up to date information. Some hole closures may be necessary. Thank you for your understanding.
Recent Gorse Clearance - After shown below...
We look forward to seeing the natural regeneration of these areas during the upcoming Spring and Summer.
Previous image shown below...
February 2019 - Course Works Communications Letter - Click Here to View
Course Update - Thursday 21st February.
The gorse removal programme has been in full swing since Monday and the contractor, supported by our team, has been making excellent progress.
The hard work has resulted in an exceptional quantity of gorse being cleared from around the 5th green, 6th, 7th and 8th holes.
The team are currently working behind the 10th tee between the 9th and the 11th holes... see below;
We apologise for any inconvenience caused to members whilst undertaking these works and we are very grateful for the continual comments of support to the team.
Some smoky conditions and shortened holes haven't been ideal, but the trade off has been the ability to carry out significantly more work than if we had to transport the waste materials to elsewhere on site. Burning 'in situ' has also reduced wheel wear on the course.
The removal of the gorse will enable further heather regeneration, some of which may occur naturally and elsewhere may require a little encouragement in the form of scraping and scattering of heather brashings.
On the topic of gorse, Mike Edwards & John Nicholson wrote…
“The considerable increase of gorse and broom throughout the course is of concern. Both plants form a significant threat to the heather and grassland. They can be invasive plants which, as legumes, naturally fix nitrogen from the atmosphere causing enrichment. They spread rapidly through seed and will regenerate vigorously after cutting - especially gorse. They are light demanding and will, therefore, tend to spread towards the playing surface. Of the two, gorse is the more problematic, for interference with play through difficulty in retrieving lost balls; unwanted spread and control of unwanted growth.
Where a low, evergreen screen is required Broom is therefore the preferred option of these two species. Where neither plant is desired a major removal programme is necessary in order to safeguard the grassland and heathland. Once this has been completed it will be necessary to control future regeneration before it forms a new seed source.”
Gorse conflicts with all of Colt’s principles of strategic design.
“Gorse and water share the disadvantage that it is practically impossible to play out of them and they are a frequent cause of lost balls. It would appear, therefore, that that they should not be used to any great extent as hazards.” HS Colt 1920.
“The characteristics of a hazard are that it should be difficult but not impossible to play out of; that it should not cause lost balls.” HS Colt 1920.
Herewith an excellent example of where gorse was removed 2018 in favour of heather regeneration and improved views of the landscape. Image below...
Above... opening up views to the stunning surrounding landscape.
“The greater the experience the writer has of designing golf courses, the more certain he is that blindness of all kinds should be avoided.” Alistair Mackenzie Golf Architecture 1920
Woodland & Heathland Management Plan – Remaining Works February and March 2019
All works subject staffing, weather conditions and other variables.
Gorse removal – contractor re-booked for 5 days week commencing Monday 18th February. If support staff availability permits, and the contractor is available, these works may continue for a second week during March.
Pine plantation thinning around 1st, 2nd, and 18th holes.
Whilst working in this area, the smaller birch closest to the fairway on the right hand side of the 17th hole (near the green) will be removed as it is too close to the fairway and screens the fir by the 18th tee. Ultimately the next birch in this area will also be removed to open the view of the attractive silver fir beyond but we don’t envisage having enough time to achieve this right now.
Hazel thinning between 10th and 11th holes.
Various fire sites local to work areas will reduce the need for time consuming transportation of waste material and the associated wheel marking. Likely areas include to the right hand side of 18th hole (far right/out of play) and in the area of gorse between the 8th green and 9th tee.
Whilst removing gorse and tidying around the back of the 8th green area, various areas of scrub and birch trees will also be cleared to safeguard the heath.
Information is also now regularly updated on the new notice board in the foyer.
February 2019
Recent/Upcoming works include;
- Pine & birch thinning near 7th tee
- Thinning of hazels between 10th and 11th fairways
- Contractor gorse removal booked for week commencing Monday 18th February
January 2019
Recent/Upcoming works include;
- Birch trees on the right of the 9th fairway (to aid heather regeneration)
- 5th hole tree removals on right hand side of green & approach
- Birch removal on right hand side of 2nd fairway
- Contractor gorse removal (delayed to due contractor and subsequent frost/snow)
View from 7th tee before
View from 7th tee after
5th hole tree removals - benefits include;
- Improved light and air movement
- Improved views from the 5th fairway through to the interesting topography beyond
- Enhanced views from around 7th tee area to the horizon beyond 5th and 12th
- Improved ability to regenerate heather and environmental grasslands in this area
- Allows the remaining pines the space required to develop an open canopy
November 2018
Heather mowing took place week commencing 26th November. Advice from Mike Edwards was used to ensure a productive process. A closer / lower cut than in previous years will encourage the desired 'basal' regrowth. Regrowth from the base of the plant will encourage healthy sustainability, rather than long 'leggy' shoots which become woody, deteriorate and adversely affect the longevity of the plant. Cuttings (brashings) have been used on regeneration areas, which remain GUR. Some areas may appear rather scalped, but this was intended and required in order to maintain the long term sustainability of heather cover. A different machine called an Amazone was hired and used specifically to provide a closer / basal cut. Moss accumulating amongst the heather has been exposed. Another hot dry summer with the heather mown at a lower height would help burn off the exposed moss.
The below image shows healthy, closely mown heather with this seasons regrowth evident.
Left below... heather brashings added to recently scraped regeneration areas. |
Right below... recently mown heather landscape on 7th hole. |
Recent works include;
Thinning of pine plantations on 1st hole, including between the 1st and 2nd fairways.
Heather regeneration 'test' scrapes on 1st/18th, 15th and 17th.
Further scraping right of the 6th tee / behind the halfway hut.
Thinning of copse between the 10th fairway bunker and the 11th yellow tee. Benefits include;
- Removal of heliotropic stems
- Improved light and air movement
- Widening of the high traffic area prone to high levels of wear
- Improved agronomics to the wider area
Below; 8th hole... heather regeneration scraping works
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Below; 15th hole... Stunning 'after' photo taken by Ray Heath
October 2018 15th hole improvements. Benefits include; - Improved turf health now possible - Reduced leaf litter - Reduced shading of green, apron and surround - Reduced filtering of the desirable blue light that is needed for photosynthesis - Improved visibility of greenside bunker - Improved ability to develop fine acid grasslands between 14th and 15th holes Overhead view before and after, below... A canvas has been created for a bunker strategy review in time for the next phase of bunker works in Autumn 2019. |
Below; visualisation of how the 15th could look following tree works and new bunkering.